RE: Uhlenbrock servo for turnout?

#1 von chelseadrg , 27.04.2020 15:49

Is there anyone in here who have already used the quad servo decoder and mini servo motor from Uhlenbrock to control a turnout or similar? Product number 67800 and 81410 that is

I do not like above-ground solenoid but do not want a big box like the 'tortoise' underneath my modules so I thought I would go with a small servo motor connected by piano wire to the turnout, maybe also interlock with the semaphore from same servo control too

The turnouts themselves have no springs so not much torque is needed.

(offsubject: and by the way thanks for my first post, I can read a bit of deutsche but can't write in it yet so I hope basic english isn't a problem to others as ever usual!)

S-Bahn (S)
Beiträge: 20
Registriert am: 26.04.2020

RE: Uhlenbrock servo for turnout?

#2 von moppe , 27.04.2020 17:10

I have experience with servos for turnouts.

In 2013 we mounted ESU Switchpilot Servo and cheap 2€ servos (blue SG90 from China/ebay), at all turnouts one of our layouts.
Since then, we never had a problem with the turnouts. The layout is a part of our exhibition, that has open for visitors 120 days/year.

I would clearly recommend the ESU SwitchPilot Servo solution, unless you use tracks, that needs power to hold the tongues in place (Tillig turnouts).
Here yo can see pictures from the installation back in 2013:


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Trans Europ Express (TEE)
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RE: Uhlenbrock servo for turnout?

#3 von oligluck ( gelöscht ) , 27.04.2020 17:16

Some time ago, i installed the servo-decoder 67800 on a friend's layout. Quite simple to adjust.
I like the Esu "Switch Pilot Servo" better, but you may choose either of them.

Any servo will do. In fact I buy the cheapest servos I can get, from china.
My standard servo is "9g", measuring 12mm in height.
You may fix it onto a short piece of wood, use a 3D-Printer to make a bracket, whatever you like.
My printed brackets have a micro-switch for the frogs.



RE: Uhlenbrock servo for turnout?

#4 von chelseadrg , 27.04.2020 17:23

Thanks/Danke Oliver & Klaus

S-Bahn (S)
Beiträge: 20
Registriert am: 26.04.2020

RE: Uhlenbrock servo for turnout?

#5 von oligluck ( gelöscht ) , 27.04.2020 18:18

Here are some pictures of the self-printed bracket:

The top part is only needed to switch the frog. In many cases, one micro-switch will do. For märklin, it isn't needed at all, of course.

You can tell from the little video why there is that hole in the bracket: this is Z-scale, so the tracks would only move a short distance.
With this construction, the servo arm moves far more, so it is easier to adjust.

This is not my design! Someone else shared it on thingiverse (platform for 3D-community).



RE: Uhlenbrock servo for turnout?

#6 von PetrOs , 27.04.2020 19:10

If you are using a WiFi capable control station with Roco LAN support (like Z21 or Digikejs DR5000) you can make wireless servo decoders by using a cheap ESP8266 board (Wemos D1/D1 mini or ESP-12E/F, around 2.50/piece from Aliexpress), a cheap servo, and an additional DC-DC power supply (I use HX-Mini 360, 50 for 13 Euro or 5 for 4,41....) with LittleYoda Decoder software. I have two now in operation (one on Wemos, and one on a cheap ESP-01 board, but its not easy one with soldering directly to ultra tiny microprocessor legs and no direct USB connection) and I am just beginning to build my layout.

InterRegio (IR)
Beiträge: 167
Registriert am: 25.02.2020
Gleise Tillig TT, Peco 55 N
Spurweite TT, N
Steuerung Z21, DR5000 mit Rocrail, RasPi
Stromart Digital

RE: Uhlenbrock servo for turnout?

#7 von chelseadrg , 29.04.2020 17:15

PetrOs that sure does sound like an interesting radio controlled layout. I would prefer to stay with hard-wired for myself but to our own different directions

S-Bahn (S)
Beiträge: 20
Registriert am: 26.04.2020

RE: Uhlenbrock servo for turnout?

#8 von PetrOs , 29.04.2020 17:36

You can also use arduino, stm32 or esp8266 boards plus a very simple circuit for dcc to build a servo decoder yourself

InterRegio (IR)
Beiträge: 167
Registriert am: 25.02.2020
Gleise Tillig TT, Peco 55 N
Spurweite TT, N
Steuerung Z21, DR5000 mit Rocrail, RasPi
Stromart Digital


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