Hello everyone, my Uhlenbrock Intellibox II is unable to control some ESU V4.0/5.0 decoders, which are completely fine with ESU lokprogrammer or Piko SmartBox. The decoders are not responding to IBII, although CVs can still be read and changed.
I tried changing CV17, CV18 and CV29, but the decoders were either not responding or the loco ran erratically. The loco ran perfectly with ESU lokprogrammer or Piko Smartbox.
is the data-format for respective locos set to DCC? Did you turn off not used data-protocolls? What happens when you do a reset (CV 8 = and try the decoders with default-address #3?
The first thing I did was to reset the decoder (CV 8 = but IBII was not responding. I then tried different protocols, including DCC (14, 28 and 128), Motorola old/new and even Selextrix, but the result was the same.
I just have Intellibox I and in this you need to set the protocol for each address - is there a smilar setting in Intellibox II?
What happens if you try to read CV 1 = basic-adress with your Intellibox? - no response: than you should search for some interruption between Intellibox and decoder: cable Intellibox - track / connection between tracks / connection wheels - decoder - if you have a response, just use that address for tests with this decoder: reaction if you turn on/off light?
My IBII is able to read CV1, but if the address is larger than 127, it only gives out '3'. I tried changing CV17, CV18, CV29, but the result is the same.
Although the address can be read, the loco is not responding - no lights, no power....
The problem is those decoders that IBII can't control can be controlled perfectly by my other controllers (Smartbox and ESU lokprogrammer)
please try to avoid addresses 100-127, as it depends on your controler, if this is a short or long address. Some just take 2-digit-addresses as short other up to 127, which is conform to NMRA/DCC-standard.
Therefore please first try with 2-digit-addresses on respective decoders just to see, if they respond as they should.
If they do, you can change to higher addresses (above 127). For this you can use the ESU-programmer as it automatically changes CV 17 + 18 + 29 accordingly