Hello Alex,
Thanks for your response and no problem that it's delayed, It's hobby and not bounded to time
First of all your system specs are perfect so no problem there.
I am working on version 4.0.0 at the moment and some of your nice to have wishes are implemented in the version.
Some new features,
- Adjustable steam chuff timing
- All settings made can be saved now and are related to the lok address
- Quick load button to directly load a saved file according to the selected address
- Shift functions are working now
Zimo sound project files are not possible, NextGen uses the ESU sound engine and this is not compatible with Zimo.
Altough you can design very nice soundfiles with the ESU LokProgrammer because there sound logic is very nicely designed.
I have to admit that standard ESU sound files are not so well designed besides the fact that there sound logic is.
If I understand it correctly your are using other controllers on the same lok address as NextGen, now this gives conflicts.
The reason for this is that NextGen send the commands based on the settings you make in for example the Acc and Dec.
The speed information send by NextGen is based on these and the individule steps are send one by one according to the timing.
Now the controller on the same address sends also speed information to the Control Center and therefore will send this strait away to the lok. This makes the lok running out of sync with NextGen.
To overcome this you can set NextGen into Decoder Mode, checkbox at the bottom right.
How to use this mode,
- Check the Decoder Mode before you connect to the Control Center.
- Select a lok address at the right of the checkbox, this address should be of a non existing lok on the tracks.
- Connect to the Control Center.
- Select the address from step 2 on the multimouse or wlanmouse or z21 app.
- Now you can controll NextGen from these controllers and sound and speed will stay in sync.
The working is very simple, all commands comming in from the controller are rerouted to the lok addres selected within the gauge pane.
This overcomes the speed or function conflicts and sync speed, Acc and Dec should work oke now.
I also had a look at the sound files you mentioned.
The problem there is in both cases the compressor sound slot.
This slot is not controlled by the function register so once started it keeps looping.
You can easely correct this in LokProgrammer.
Random sound slot can also gives problems.
Again thanks for your feedback and we keep in touch,
Regards John.