RE: Mein modellbahnanlagen DB im bau in Italien

#1 von Tomcat13 , 06.11.2015 19:17

Hallo Zusammen aus Italien,
As a silent observer and admirer for a long time of the beautiful structures in this forum I decided to open this new topic to present the photos of my “modelbahn-anlage”under construction in style DB (ep. IV / V) HO scale.

Unfortunately I have a very limited knowledge of your language, so I will use English with the help of Google-translated. I apologize if the translation of the text will not be perfect.

The frame of “Anlage” (3,60 * 2,40 mt.) it is an open structure in wood, fixed on sturdy legs with wheels to allow an easy access to the side and rear areas

The basic idea, given the small size of the room, is to reproduce an area where two sections of lines placed on two different levels are grouped / split near a medium size main station. In practice the structure will have to reproduce a kind of sub-urban periphery.

The “modelbahn-anlage” consists of a single line running through several levels (5), it starts in a hidden station located at the level zero, meeting the double track to create the effect of a larger number of moving convoys.

I'm using Roco “flexgleise / weichen” as armament in hidden areas, and Tillig “flexgleise / weichen” in visible parts. In the hidden lines, as a reference to minimum bending radius, I based on the Roco R5. In plain sight areas the minimum bending radius is about 130/140 cm.
All the “anlage “equipment will digitally work controlled by a Esu Ecos2 unit.

The following photos are the initial stages of construction, the laying of tracks, and the first parts of the landscape. Some photos were taken with the camera phone and the quality is not perfect.

I hope to find in the forum cooperation and pieces of advice, suggestions, constructive criticism in order to improve the work I'm doing.

A big greeting to all



Regionalbahn (RB)
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RE: Mein modellbahnanlagen DB im bau in Italien

#2 von Djian , 06.11.2015 19:46


I've even looked at your photos. Your layout looks larger than it is. I'm very impressed of the water ,espacially the waterfalls, that you build. I hope you will stay in the forum and show your work in process.

Greatings from the baltic sea coast

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RE: Mein modellbahnanlagen DB im bau in Italien

#3 von Schroedjs , 06.11.2015 23:06

I agree. Waterfall and river are very nice.
It is a noteworthy rail construction.
I´m curious, how it goes on.

Liebe Grüße, J.J. (d?ei d?ei)


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RE: Mein modellbahnanlagen DB im bau in Italien

#4 von steve1964 , 07.11.2015 13:30

Ciao Andrea,
stai costruendo un plastico con veramente grandi dimensioni.
Le cascate sono bellisime.
Saluti di Amburgo

Ich baue, also bin ich.

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RE: Mein modellbahnanlagen DB im bau in Italien

#5 von H0er , 07.11.2015 14:52

Hello Andrea!

its realy a nice and beautiful track and layout!

water and water falls , all the concrete walls and the colour of the tracks let us know there is a realy great modell railroader at work!

sorry my italien is in any way poorer then your german, but let me tra:




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RE: Mein modellbahnanlagen DB im bau in Italien

#6 von Wuschee , 07.11.2015 18:11

WOW jolly good! The water is impressive! Looks like a huge layout, well layout doesn't really fit, it seems to be far to large to call it just a layout;)


Hier geht es in die Kleinstadt Lindental & Umgebung: viewtopic.php?f=64&t=130049

InterRegioExpress (IRE)
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RE: Mein modellbahnanlagen DB im bau in Italien

#7 von Tomcat13 , 09.11.2015 17:56

Thank you for the positive comments. Believe me when I say that it isn’t simple to build in the best way possible, a layaut of an administration different from the country where I live.
When I’ll have doubts, I hope you will help me solve them.
en: You can even write in GERMAN, with the help of Google-translate and my daughter who studies your language I think I can understand your messages.
As soon as I’ll have some time, will insert other images.

@ - steve1964 il tuo commento in italiano è quasi perfetto

Greeting from Italy

Regionalbahn (RB)
Beiträge: 47
Registriert am: 25.11.2014

RE: Mein modellbahnanlagen DB im bau in Italien

#8 von Moba_Fabu ( gelöscht ) , 10.11.2015 19:45

Ciao Andrea,

il tuo plastico ha grande dimensioni.
Mio è solo uno piccolo.
L' acqua è bellisima, quasi perfetto.
Le altre parte sono interessante e anche hello.

Tanti saluti di Ulm


RE: Mein modellbahnanlagen DB im bau in Italien

#9 von Tomcat13 , 24.11.2015 17:16

Hallo zusammen
I post new pictures of my "anlage" in construction, showing some small zones of the layout almost finished:

- Modification of the road bridge with the integration of urban pipes and its weathering.
- Intallation of grass / vegetation on the sides of the structure of the road bridge and the channel.
- The building of the square on the left side of the channel, where the square is located the barrack of the fireman (yet to finish and weathering in some parts).
- Realization of a small pumps plant for the water supply of the fire trucks, and a small dock for vessels in service.
- First draft of the small industrial area near the railway line.

Many little details to complete the set are still missing.

The last 9 photos show the different stages of construction / placement and its setting of a pair of low-rise buildings (combined in a single structure) to be used as a warehouse / office for the railway staff.

Currently the layout is in a construction phase more advanced than the photos published so far. I will try, as soon as possible, to add the missing pictures up to the current state of the work.

Thanks for your attention, best regards


warehouse / office for the railway staff.


Regionalbahn (RB)
Beiträge: 47
Registriert am: 25.11.2014

RE: Mein modellbahnanlagen DB im bau in Italien

#10 von steve1964 , 24.11.2015 19:10

Buon Giorno Andrea,
wow, il deposito, gran modellismo, con tanti dettagli ..
piace bene !
Se vuoi lavorare tutto il plastico con questa perfezione,
hai assai da fare prossimi 10 anni...

Ich baue, also bin ich.

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RE: Mein modellbahnanlagen DB im bau in Italien

#11 von aircooledrolf , 24.11.2015 22:16

hello Andrea

i just fell over your introduction and it was a pleasure to look through all of it , really really good Pictures of a nice interesting layout and Details ,
my english is not the very best , so i apologise for my mistakes but my italian is much worther so i try this way
can you Show us a total view over all of your building ? it is hard to imagine how all of the small pieces become to one big Picture , so an panoramic view would make it easyier for all of us
my first idea when i saw your introduction was " Oh he is from Pisa , so what can go wrong ............?
and now i have to say " nothing went wrong "
good Job , Keep on building , i will follow you !

p.s. : lots of Volkswagens on your display , so nothing can go wrong !!!!!

ciao and glück auf , Rolf

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RE: Mein modellbahnanlagen DB im bau in Italien

#12 von Stefan7 , 25.11.2015 07:01


Beim betrachten deiner Bilder, muss ich mir meinen Modellbau nochmals genau überdenken
Das ist das schönste, was ich seit langem gesehen habe, super gemacht.
Entspannte Gleisführung, unaufgeregte Gestaltung und handwerklich perfekt.

Ich bin sprachlos

Beste Grüße


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RE: Mein modellbahnanlagen DB im bau in Italien

#13 von Andreas Poths , 25.11.2015 07:22

ganz ganz ganz großes Kino

Gruß Andreas

gruß pothsi
Man lebt nur einmal...aber dann mit MÄRKLIN!!!
Guggd ihr meine Anlage gerne auch hier:

Nüchtern betrachtet war es besoffen besser....

Andreas Poths  
Andreas Poths
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RE: Mein modellbahnanlagen DB im bau in Italien

#14 von helvetio28 , 25.11.2015 11:35

Hallo Andrea, da kann ich mich nur allen anderen Vorrednern anschließen. Ganz grosse Klasse!!!
Da stimmt wirklich alles!!
Danke an Stefan für den Link!!!
Con cordiali saluti

Dioramen, Häuslesbau, und Anderes


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RE: Mein modellbahnanlagen DB im bau in Italien

#15 von kirmesjunkie , 25.11.2015 12:51

wow very good !!!!

schöne Grüße aus dem Tor zum Sauerland


Mein Projekt:
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RE: Mein modellbahnanlagen DB im bau in Italien

#16 von eurofinder , 25.11.2015 15:58

Hello Andrea,

that looks very good and interesting.

Would you be so kind and post a trackplan for us?


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RE: Mein modellbahnanlagen DB im bau in Italien

#17 von E 03 ( gelöscht ) , 25.11.2015 16:18

Hallo Andrea,
das ist mit das Beste, was hier in letzter Zeit an neuen Beiträgen zu sehen war.

Hier weiß jemand was er will und kann es absolut gekonnt in die Realität umsetzen. Selbst ohne den Text zu verstehen, sind die zu bestaunenden Bilder selbstredend.

Viele Grüße

E 03

RE: Mein modellbahnanlagen DB im bau in Italien

#18 von saarhighländer , 25.11.2015 16:37

Hello Andrea

nice Area, Buildings, the Waterfall is on the top and so much more. flaster: flaster: Thanks for the Link to Stefan, i will follow you

Kind Regards, Thomas

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RE: Mein modellbahnanlagen DB im bau in Italien

#19 von H0er , 25.11.2015 17:04

Hello !

Only one:



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RE: Mein modellbahnanlagen DB im bau in Italien

#20 von Bendan , 25.11.2015 17:52

Hi Andrea,

thank you very much for sharing these pictures with us. What I especially like about layouts like this are the smooth curves in combination with a lot of nice details. Its just fitting perfectly, not to many tracks and buildings, just a harmonic mixture. Nice work!


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RE: Mein modellbahnanlagen DB im bau in Italien

#21 von HaJoWolf , 25.11.2015 20:51

Dem Ruf "Ruhmeshalle" schließe ich mich sehr gerne an!

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RE: Mein modellbahnanlagen DB im bau in Italien

#22 von Tomcat13 , 28.11.2015 17:13

Hello zusammen,
thank you so much for the positive comments on my work, it is a stimulus to do better.

@aircooledrolf – It was very nice the sentence <”Oh he is from Pisa, so what can go wrong ............?> really and suitable. I post a few pictures with an overall view of the layout to give a general idea.

@eurofinder - I don’t have a gleisplan of the layout, only some sketches in pencil on a few pieces of paper that I can call project. I hope the photos of the whole can make the idea altogether.

@hajowolf -@HOer - "Ruhmeshalle" !!!! I was speechless !!!!!

I post new photos of the layout to update, as soon as possible, the images at present:

- The completion with ballast (Koemo) a double-track line on the right side and relative accessories.
- Scene florist’s stall
- Cement portal entrance single track line, with a warning light signal.

Best regards to all of you from Italy.

Scene florist’s stall

Cement portal entrance single track line, with a warning light signal

pictures with an overall view of the layout to give a general idea

Regionalbahn (RB)
Beiträge: 47
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RE: Mein modellbahnanlagen DB im bau in Italien

#23 von Volvivo , 28.11.2015 18:36

Hello Andrea,

this is TOP!!! I like your pictures from your model train very much.
And I hope we'll see more.

Gruß aus Niederbayern

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RE: Mein modellbahnanlagen DB im bau in Italien

#24 von Tomcat13 , 10.12.2015 19:35

Hello everybody from Italy
I post a new set of photos illustrating a river boat turned into a beerhouse. I have to add only a few details to complete the scene.
I hope you like the pictures, if you see something that is out of place, do not hesitate to tell me.
Till the next update.

Greeting Andrea

schaerra hat sich bedankt!
Regionalbahn (RB)
Beiträge: 47
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RE: Mein modellbahnanlagen DB im bau in Italien

#25 von helvetio28 , 18.12.2015 11:15

Perfekt, unglaublich schön und detailliert.
Kann man stundenlang anschauen!
Beste Grüsse nach Italien!!

Dioramen, Häuslesbau, und Anderes


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