RE: Dänische Modell Züge

#1 von mz_1414 ( gelöscht ) , 18.07.2008 09:31

Ich würde auch nur mit meinen Pflanzen in Deutschland, ich bin nicht gut in Deutsch, damit ich mit Google Übersetzer, der Link zu meiner Seite zeigen, so dass, wenn die Übersetzungen in 100% ok, ich hoffe, mir zu verzeihen.

Aber in sind verschiedene Tests Bewertungen, und meine Bauweisen.

Es gibt auch ein Video-Seite unter den Links, wo ein Teil meines Videos zur Verfügung stehen.


RE: Dänische Modell Züge

#2 von floete100 , 22.07.2008 10:06

Hello mz_1414,

as my Danish is probably worse than your German ops: , I prefer to answer you in English.

I followed your link and found the pictures very interesting. The German texts, however - sorry for speaking frankly - are absolutely un-understandable . The major reason for this fact is not your fault - the translation programs, may they be google translator or babelfish, are not able to translate especially texts which contain "termini technici".

From my experience, there is another thing that makes translations more difficult: Your original Danish sentences are relatively long - and the longer a sentence is, the crazier the translation (of course the same applies to all other languages to be translated).

If possible, I would suggest that you post your threads in this Forum in English.

Best regards,

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RE: Dänische Modell Züge

#3 von Weltenbummler , 22.07.2008 11:28

Hi Peter,

nice to see you around here as well

As Rainer suggested do not hesitate to translate your nice website. Most of us are able to speak or read English.
And being honest most of these translation programs are good for small translations but not for complete websites.

In your posting here the program translates roots into "Pflanzen" but it should have been "Wurzeln"
I had to read the German translation twice to understand what it means.

Keep on posting in English and if someone does not understand what you're talking about there will always be someone to help out.

Gruß aus Karachi

InterCityExpress (ICE)
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RE: Dänische Modell Züge

#4 von Walter ( gelöscht ) , 22.07.2008 12:53

Dear mz_1414

I like your site. Nice and with many details.

My favorit is the Nohab MY as well MX. I know that from Flensburg - during my time at the german armed forces I saw and heard them at the train station Flensburg.

Best regards,


RE: Dänische Modell Züge

#5 von Holgi ( gelöscht ) , 03.08.2008 19:56

på Dinseite äh der meget am opdage! Billederne äh meget smukke. Velkommen bis Forum!



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