RE: New layout plan - rib frame construction

#1 von applor , 04.07.2016 23:45

Hello everyone,

I have finalized my layout design and I am looking at building the framework. This is the first time I am using an open frame rib construction and would appreciate advice if there are any problems with the plan.

I intend to use 19mm plywood cut to 75mm for the ribs. The legs will probably be pine stumps.
You can see the plan below. The big empty areas in the layout are access holes which is why I have designed the frame around them.
It is divided into 4 main sections which will be bolted together.

Each of the squares in the plan are 100x100mm

Thanks for looking and I apologize I do not speak fluent German.

Eric - Brisbane, Australia. modelling Germany epoch IIIa

InterCity (IC)
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RE: New layout plan - rib frame construction

#2 von ET 65 , 05.07.2016 06:52

Hi Eric,

welcome at the planning and building ground.

Unfortunately your link shows the following advice: "Please do not link directly to this resource. You must have a session in the forum". So we are not able to have a look at the plan.

Can you load it up to a picture server and show it here directly with a maximum size of 1024 pixel.

Regards, Heinz

PS: Sorry for my bad English. Please let us know if you can read / understand German because this makes it much easier helping you with some links.

Tried to reduce to the max Ich weiß, nicht immer einfach, aber einfach kann ja jeder.
Was noch fehlt? "Ein Sack voll Zeit"

ET 65
Metropolitan (MET)
Beiträge: 4.567
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Stromart Digital

RE: New layout plan - rib frame construction

#3 von applor , 06.07.2016 08:29

Hello Heinz,

Your English is very good!
I am not fluent in German but I can easily use google translate if you require German:

I am sorry the picture has not worked. I cannot attach it, I get the error 'invalid file format' despite being a .jpg

I have now uploaded it elsewhere:

I look forward to your reply!


Hallo Heinz,

Dein Englisch ist sehr gut!
Ich bin nicht fließend Deutsch, aber ich kann einfach nutzen Google übersetzen, wenn Sie Deutsch benötigen:

Es tut mir leid das Bild hat nicht funktioniert. Ich kann es nicht anhängen, ich den Fehler "ungültiges Dateiformat " erhalten, obwohl ein .jpg sein

Ich habe es jetzt an anderer Stelle hochgeladen:

Ich freue mich auf Ihre Antwort!

Eric - Brisbane, Australia. modelling Germany epoch IIIa

InterCity (IC)
Beiträge: 505
Registriert am: 15.09.2010
Homepage: Link
Ort: Brisbane, Australia
Gleise Marklin K
Spurweite H0
Stromart AC, Digital

RE: New layout plan - rib frame construction

#4 von ET 65 , 06.07.2016 17:58

Hello Eric,

how to upload pictures, is shown here.

Zitat von applor
... I am sorry the picture has not worked. I cannot attach it, I get the error 'invalid file format' despite being a .jpg

I have now uploaded it elsewhere: ...

I tried to show it directly, and it works (as you can see).

Zitat von applor

Because of the size and the depth or your layout I want to advise two things:

1. The possibility to reach all locations in the layout is limited by your arm length. Maybe it's good to have a look at the following link.
2. It would be very nice if you would share some more Information about your layout. We have a little questionaire which helps you to define your requirements and helps us to be more precise.

Best regards, Heinz

Tried to reduce to the max Ich weiß, nicht immer einfach, aber einfach kann ja jeder.
Was noch fehlt? "Ein Sack voll Zeit"

ET 65
Metropolitan (MET)
Beiträge: 4.567
Registriert am: 01.03.2009
Ort: Hierzulande
Gleise Peco Code 75
Spurweite H0
Steuerung mit Verstand
Stromart Digital


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