hallo today i present many perspective of the "Diorama Barcola" this diorama is dedicated to the tram line 6 in the city trieste.the city had 7, connecting station, Rive, Elysian Fields, Ward of the King and Roiano and the last trams line are the number 6 and the 9 at 21, March 31, 1970, three trams arrived at the last race on line 9: it too will be replaced by buses.
only the last train in trieste is the opicina tram we show the photos of the "Diorama Barcola" authentic Wonder in HO. Judge for yourself, it looks like a real photo! Authors allesandro rusin and Davide Raseni (Photo by Davide Raseni) Visible in the room devoted to the Tram Museum -Museo Ferroviario Trieste-Campo Marzio.italy with more real eletric loco trainsets and the trams.....
there is the link of museum only italian sorry..
thank to all friends of museum........
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Eisenbahnseite von Luka
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